Homeopathy has been around for over 200 years. It has been successfully used to treat and prevent pandemics around the world. Homeopath and film-maker Ananda More joins me to discuss her movie “Magic Pills” – a compelling documentary that covers the use and history of homeopathy around the world
Here are the highlights:
- What exactly is homeopathy?
- How does it work – some compelling theories and research
- A brief history – from pandemics to historical use
- Why is it so controversial?
- Censorship and the witch hunt
- What is homeoprophylaxis?
- Homeopathy for infectious diseases
- Historical use during infectious disease outbreaks
- Spanish flu
- Cholera outbreaks
- HIV and Tanzania
- Covid-19 – a closer look at India and Cuba
- Cuba and leptosporosis
- Is it possible to achieve long-term immunity?
- A brief overview of the “Magic Pills” movie
- Check out the Magic Pills movie here
- Connect with Ananda here: https://www.riverdalehomeopathy.com/
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