Gluten and autoimmune disease go hand in hand. However there are is alot more complexity to autoimmune disease; and going gluten-free is simply not enough. No one knows this more than Dr Peter Osborne. He is the clinical director of Origins Healthcare in Sugar Land, Texas. He is world renown in the field of gluten and grain sensitivity, and one of the most sought after Functional Medicine doctors in the US. Dr Osborne is also the author of the highly acclaimed bestseller, ‘No Grain No Pain,’ and founder of the gluten-free society
Download Dr Osborne’s Autoimmune Blueprint – an actionable guide to help those suffering with autoimmune disease.
Here is what we discuss on today’s show:
- 5:30 – 50 million people suffering from autoimmune disease in the US
- 6:00 – autoimmune disease can be put into remission
- 6:30 – the history of autoimmune disease
- 6:50 – autoimmune disease were unheard of before the mass introduction of grains
- 8:10 – the discovery of gluten
- 8:45 – what exactly is gluten?
- 9:15 – what does gluten do for the plant?
- 10:20 – gluten like proteins in other grains – more toxic
- 10:45 – the limitations of gluten testing
- 11:55 – the suppression of antibodies from long-term gluten consumption
- 12:50 – gluten-free labeling requirements
- 15:00 – gluten-free does not fix a leaky gut
- 16:10 – the standard medical approach and why it fails
- 19:00 – why have autoimmune diseases increased so much over the last 50 years?
- 21:00 – the great depression, farming and grains
- 22:30 – government bans cereals due to diseases associated with nutrient depletion
- 25:00 – the problem with grain storage
- 25:10 – mold and myco-toxins
- 25:30 – GMO grains
- 26:50 – lectins and phytates
- 27:45 – different type of gluten reactions
- 28:40 – should we all be grain free?
- 29:25 – other factors that tie into gut issues and autoimmune disease
- 37:45 – are most gluten reactions “found in your head”?
- 39:50 – autoimmune disease is the #1 killer of women under age 65
- 41:00 – type 2 diabetes, gluten and autoimmune disease
- 44:00 – is going grain-free good enough for autoimmune disease?