Sovereignty is a subject that has gained alot of attention over the past 14 months – and for good reason. With continued rolling lockdowns, talks of a “fourth wave”, ongoing school closures, the perpetual shuttering of small businesses and the potential for the “Emergency Act”; people are understandably asking, “what do we do?”. “How do we get through this?”
In this bombshell episode, 369 Media walk us through what true sovereignty means and how to reclaim it. Here are the highlights:
- What is the Emergency Act? – why now?
- A brief history of the Canadian Constitution
- Why did the government of Canada remove the Charter of Rights and Freedoms from its website? (note: after we recorded it was put back up)
- Why have 12 sections of the Canadian Constitution been removed?
- Are we operating without a constitution? – lawyers needed
- Understanding sovereignty
- Legal vs lawful
- All governments are corporations
- The importance of contracts
- Public vs private
- Know your place in the system – jurisdiction
- Property rights and why this is the fulcrum
- Securing yourself, your family and your assets
- Reclaiming your sovereignty peacefully and legally
Disclaimer: this is a conversation. Please do not construe this as legal advice. We strongly encourage you to review the documentation below. I also suggest connecting with 369 Media via their website and community platform:
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Research Links
- The Emergency Act
- Bill C-10
- The Shadow Magic Show: Canada is a Corporation
- Cal Washington discussing the above document
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